Tuesday, January 20, 2009


ok mom, here are your icicle pictures. its so much easier to post now that i dont have to go through HTMLs to post the pix. WOOO! anyway. here are some of the pix. we're about to go for the day and i have a few more posts i wanna put up first, so i'll post more later. i have a ton on my other camera and haven't unloaded the card yet. i have to unload three cameras just to blog. whew.

icicles! o.O
this one is through the window, there's a little glare on it. dont have time to edit it out. but you get the idea..

it was hard to get pix of these particular icicles from outside because of where they were. they were right in front of a window though, so its all good!

ready for your closeup?!?

the icicles here are crazy big! and pretty sharp too..i'm afraid to walk under them. haha
they're everywhere too!

1 comment:

Butler Family said...

Your mom is going to be soo HAPPY now that you posted these:)