Saturday, January 24, 2009

wow..i feel dumb

i totally have been using blogger wrong. i made it so much harder than it had to be. i feel really dumb. as tech savvy as i am, i should have figured it out a LONG time ago. hahaha. my blogs should be coming quicker now. and cooler. now that i know how to do stuff. and here i've been messing around with HTMLs this whole time. rofl.


Butler Family said...

Good thing I showed you how EASY it is huh??? Seriously it is a piece of cake!! I can't wait to see pictures now:)

Photochyck said...

yeah. lol..if i hadnt noticed that you were doing it a different way, i wouldn'tve figured out i was doing it wrong. haha. well, not wrong, but the hard way.

Butler Family said...

Yeah that is most definently the HARD way!! Are you uploading more pics right now? I just posted 3 new posts