Monday, November 10, 2008

picture of the day: nov. 10

i wish this were a two way street or there was more traffic..woulda made the light streaks even better. but i still love this picture. its so cool.


AnK Romney said...


I just spent atleast a hour looking at all your pictures! You are so so so so so so so so so good!! I brag about you all the time! hahahah

I cant wait to see you!

Butler Family said...

can i be invited to see your other blog? i love you and i just want to make sure you knew that

Butler Family said...

Do you know why mike put his blog on private??? HOW ARE YOU DOING????? Do you guys still talk?

Butler Family said...

hey you should put some pics up of my family visiting!! It would be great to see some of all of them and you guys from thanksgiving