Saturday, September 20, 2008

my art show :)

thanks to everyone who came to my art show today. it went really well and i appreciate all your love and support. for those of you who couldn't make's a recap of the day: we got to the town hall around 7:45 this morning. it took them about a half an hour to tell me where my booth was. they didn't have the tables over there, so we had to find some and carry them over there through the mud. we got everything up and ready about five minutes before it started at 10. several people showed up right away. i made some good sales right off the bat. it got really hot later on in the day..mike got sunburned pretty bad. i got a little bit, but i was in and out of the tent all day, so it wasn't as bad. i had a lot of people come by and talk to me about hiring me for portraits. that was really cool. it slowed down a lot and i walked around for a minute and took pictures of the whole show. the sun was shining really bad onto one of my tables and the pictures started getting hot, so we moved the table inside. we were rearranging stuff back and forth all day as stuff was sold, or to get stuff out of the sun. later on, it cooled off a lot and the wind picked up. so i had to move stuff around even more to keep it from blowing away. then it started to rain. the jewelry booth beside me had a big stand full of jewelry that got knocked over with one little gust of wind. it was about 3:30 and raining and i figured i should start packing up after that happened. i didn't want all of my stuff ruined or having to deal with cleaning it all up like she did, so i started packing up everything that wasn't attached to a rack. most of the people who said that they would come and check out my stuff showed up then. i guess the rain brought them to me. lol. so i got back out some of the boxes of postcards and magnets and stuff for them to look at. we stayed there for quite a while in the rain. after we were only one of the only booths left open, we finished packing up and left just a couple minutes before five. all in all, it went really well. i got my name out there and also made some money in the process. it was a lot of fun too. i think it looked pretty good too...especially since i only had a month to plan it. i got a video of all of my booth. it got cut short because the lady in charge wanted to talk to me and then people kept coming in, so i added some stills of the booth and some pictures that i took at home before the show at the end of the video. i'll put some stills on here too. thanks again for all your support this past month and especially those of you who took time from your busy schedules to come see me.

hunter and macie were at the show all day helping casey with her booth for the kids. she had all sorts of art stuff out to show kids how much fun art can be. macie painted from about 8:30 to 3 non-stop except for her lunch break. she was COVERED in paint. hunter painted off and on but got bored quicker. so he walked around more and checked out the booths and stayed with me for a while. i think they both had a lot of fun though.
some of macie's artwork

artist at work

hunter and macie painting

painting is so much fun!

concentrating really hard

taking a break to smile for the camera

my boss, casey

some more artwork

haha, she even got paint in her hair!

casey's mom, donna, is an artist too. she's an amazing painter. she painted throughout the day for everyone to watch. there was a band there playing music while she painted. this year, she was painting famous music artists and the band would play songs by that artist. i snuck away from my booth for a minute to get video of her painting elvis. she paints with her hands. its so cool.

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