Thursday, September 11, 2008

safari pix

this post requires background can't just jump right into it. me and mike and beck and her daughter and tonya and her boys all met up to get our pictures taken a couple of weeks ago. with us all being photographers, we couldn't think of a better way to get together, and now that we've all been split up (through transfers and quitting and such) we decided it would be fun to go to the studio's safari event and take pictures of each other and of us together. i know, i know, we're weird, but hey, we had fun and nobody asked you what you think. lol. anyway, tonya randomly already had her own gorilla suit, so we couldn't pass up this opportunity. hahahahaha. well, you know how it is when crazy photographers get together. one thing led to another, and before you know it rubber ducks and frozen bananas and fur are flying all over the room and beck is swinging on a whip made to look like a vine and tonya's running around beating her chest and making monkey faces and mike is covered in ducks and i can't stop matter how hard i tried. i think we got more pix of us then the kids, but it was a ton of fun. anyway, take a look for yourself. oh. and we're going to do it again next month. different theme. we need suggestions for halloween costumes, so if you have any, lemme know. brace yourself, here are the pix:

(CAUTION: MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR NORMAL PEOPLE..........oh. and you're about to enter the jungle, so make sure your shots are up to date and you've got sunscreen and insect repellant.)
this is nana. she's beck's daughter. she was TERRIFIED of tonya. understandably. lol

ROOOAAAARRRR!!!!!!! (note to self..stay on tonya's good side)


where'd she go?

there she is! mike found her. and look! she's making that monkey face. cracks me up every time. hahaha.

its ok nana, I'LL SAVE YOU!

oh no! she got me....

mwuahahahahaha! i got her now!

peek-a-boo! it's charley!


look what we found!

look out! a ssssssssssnake!!!!

oh no! it got nana too!

gotta have the safari ducks...just gotta!

this is a good one of tonya's boys. they didnt wanna take too many together...

look! owen caught the monkey!! woohoo!

carsyn's trying to show her how to get back to "monkey mountain" lol..its on the map. really, it is.

monkey want a banana? (did i mention its frozen?)

( banana brought to you courtesy of starbucks. rofl.)'s where it gets REALLY crazy. click on the filmstrip-looking, smaller pix to see them bigger.

this is my fav group pic of us.

CONGRATS! you survived the journey through the jungle! woot.

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